David A. Bhaerman

July 27, 2020

What to Expect at Your First Consultation with a Bankruptcy Attorney

When the chips are down, many of us are reluctant to ask for help. This seems especially true when it comes to finances. There often is a stigma attached to discussing finances with family,  friends, or a professional advisor, even more so when you’re having financial challenges. Often, this inability to discuss financial issues with perhaps more experienced friends or relatives can push us to the brink of financial disaster, at which point we are forced to do something. That “something” is often consulting with a bankruptcy lawyer near you. For many people, the thought of dealing with bankruptcy, and […]
July 21, 2020

10 Benefits of Working with a Bankruptcy Attorney

One huge consideration that many people make when they’re thinking about filing bankruptcy is: “should I hire an attorney?” Although it’s not that common, you can file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy case without an attorney (called “pro se”). Here, we present ten compelling reasons why you should hire an experienced attorney whose practice is dedicated exclusively to bankruptcy law. 1. Alternatives to Filing Bankruptcy An attorney can assist you with bankruptcy planning and determine whether there are other debt-relief options. In certain cases, a non-bankruptcy course of action may be the best remedy for your financial challenges. […]
July 13, 2020

How to File Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Ohio

Looking for a basic checklist to follow to successfully file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Ohio? Although you can file “pro se,” or without an attorney, it is not recommended, because of the complexity of the laws and the many pitfalls that can have disastrous consequences. Read on for a quick overview of the steps to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Ohio. In a hurry? Contact the Law Office of David A. Bhaerman today for a free initial consultation using the contact form on this page, or call 614-834-7110. Gather Up Your Financial Documents The first step to filing for Chapter […]
June 22, 2020

Changes in United States Bankruptcy Code Because of COVID-19

The state of Ohio, the USA, and the entire world are under great financial stress due to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the American Bankruptcy Institute, the number of homeowners looking for help due to pandemic-related issues went from approximately one million at the start of April to 3.5 million by the end the month, and the numbers are still rising. As authorities have recognized the scope of the problem, there have been changes in United States bankruptcy code because of COVID-19. Here are some of the highlights. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy in Ohio during this difficult […]

with Bankruptcy Attorney David Bhaerman