10 Benefits of Working with a Bankruptcy Attorney
July 21, 2020
Top Signs You May Need to File for Bankruptcy in Pickerington, Ohio
April 6, 2023When the chips are down, many of us are reluctant to ask for help. This seems especially true when it comes to finances. There often is a stigma attached to discussing finances with family, friends, or a professional advisor, even more so when you’re having financial challenges. Often, this inability to discuss financial issues with perhaps more experienced friends or relatives can push us to the brink of financial disaster, at which point we are forced to do something. That “something” is often consulting with a bankruptcy lawyer near you.
For many people, the thought of dealing with bankruptcy, and all the emotional baggage connected to it, can cause them to procrastinate on taking action to protect their financial lives.
Despite the embarrassment or nervousness sometimes associated with discussing finances, if you think you are at the point you must do something, discussing your situation with a bankruptcy attorney is one of the best decisions you can make. This article will guide you through your first consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer.
Bankruptcy Can Be a Difficult Time for You
Fortunately, bankruptcy lawyers understand what a difficult and emotional time this can be for clients. They know that many bankruptcies are often caused by circumstances beyond your control, like a job loss or downsizing, major medical issues, divorce, or other sudden changes in your financial picture.
Bankruptcy lawyers do not judge clients or seek to place blame. We are here to help you protect your financial assets and get on the road to recovery as quickly as possible, using the best solution possible. Those solutions may include credit counseling, debt settlement, or chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy.
What to Expect at a Consultation with a Bankruptcy Attorney
At the Law Office of David A. Bhaerman, we typically set aside 60-90 minutes for the initial consultation with a potential client. We ask you general questions about your debt, your income, and any assets you may have to help build a financial picture of your situation. These may seem to be extremely personal questions, but your bankruptcy attorney cannot give you an accurate evaluation and proper counsel without a complete picture of your financial situation. It’s imperative that you answer the lawyer’s questions honestly and completely, to help him determine if bankruptcy will work for you.
As we progress through the consultation, we will analyze your situation and determine if filing bankruptcy is an option to resolve your financial challenges. We will walk you through the bankruptcy process and help determine which chapter of bankruptcy would be appropriate for your situation. Finally, we will provide you with an estimated cost of filing bankruptcy, then explain the next steps for moving forward with a bankruptcy case.
How to Prepare for the Initial Bankruptcy Consultation
During the initial consultation, it’s important that you provide as much accurate information as possible, so that we may properly assess your situation. We generally don’t want you to bring all your bills and financial paperwork to the first meeting, but it’s extremely helpful if you have a fairly accurate idea of your assets and their value, your income, and your debts. Many potential clients bring something in writing to the meeting, like a list or a spreadsheet.
We have created a Bankruptcy Information Checklist to allow you to summarize your financial situation before meeting with us for the first time. Download the checklist here.
Of course, if you have been sued, or had judgements or liens filed against you, you should bring a copy of any legal documents you have received. Attorneys have access to the details of these types of cases online, but it’s a huge timesaver for you to provide the information in advance, which allows us to focus on your case.
If you have questions about the bankruptcy process, or your particular circumstances, write them down before the initial consultation. It’s possible to get sidetracked during the meeting, and you may forget to ask those questions.
The Best Way to Contact a Bankruptcy Attorney
An initial consultation with a bankruptcy lawyer doesn’t mean you’ll automatically file bankruptcy. It’s important to communicate your situation with us, with as much detail and completeness as possible so we may help you make the right decision on whether or not to file bankruptcy. The Law Office of David A. Bhaerman can review your situation and review your options, and answer any questions you may have about your personal financial circumstance during a free initial bankruptcy consultation.
Bankruptcy Attorney Near You
Of course, there are many more reasons to hire a qualified, experienced bankruptcy attorney to help you navigate the murky financial waters of a personal bankruptcy case. These ten reasons are pretty compelling, especially if you’ve never handled anything like this yourself. Filing bankruptcy, either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, can be very complicated, and the decisions you make during the course of your case can affect your financial picture for a long time.
For a local expert in bankruptcy issues, with extensive legal experience and a nearby bankruptcy lawyer in the Central Ohio area, it will be difficult to find a better bankruptcy attorney to represent you than David A. Bhaerman. David is compassionate, caring, and non-judgmental in his approach to helping his clients navigate their way through financial challenges.
To determine if Chapter 7 bankruptcy will help relieve the stress of your current financial situation, call 614-834-7110 for a free initial consultation. You may also use our convenient scheduling form on this page to book an appointment.