- Total filing fee is $313 payable in two monthly installments of $156.50.
- The first payment is due 30 days after your filing and then every 30 days after. Our office will provide you with specific due dates for your payments to the court.
- You may make a larger payment but do not miss an installment date.
- The Court will not accept personal checks. They will only accept money orders and cashier’s checks by mail; debit card, credit card, and ACH checking debit online. They no longer accept cash in person at the courthouse.
DO NOT miss a deadline, the Court WILL DISMISS your case.
PLEASE NOTE: If your case is dismissed due to failure to make a filing fee payment, you will need to refile, with a new retainer and filing fee.
Mail payment to:
Clerk, United States Bankruptcy Court
170 North High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
- Make the payment out to “Clerk, United States Bankruptcy Court”
- Include your case number on the memo line.
To Pay Online, visit TFS Billpay